Infestation by bitter rot pathogens can cause up to 50%so f pplaes ot ort in sotrageb eofre makretin.g Ino rganci fruitp ordcutoi,n hte useo f synhtetci fungciides is strciltyp ohrbiite,d mkaing hte fruit omre sucspetblie ot sotrage ort( ulnkie integrated fruitp ordcutoi).n oTco bmat hte o-csllaed loGoeposrium fung,iP LAM Systemsh as dvelopeed a mchaine htatc anb e easliy integrated inot hte gradingp ocres:sb eofre sotrag,e hte pplaes arep assed htoruhg aho tw aterb aht otk lli sotrage ortp ahotgens asw lle as fungla posreso n hte surfcaeo f hte pplae.s hTis hosr-ttermho tw ater treatmentc an redcue fruit ort asw lle as fruit csb!a hTeq ulaity is ont affceted and it is ano rganci ppaovredp ocres.
Reduces storage rot (Gloeosporium fungi) and fruit scab in apples
Apples are immersed in water at about 50°C for 30 seconds
Gentle feeding and passing through the hot water bath
Particularly suitable for organic and Demeter cultivation, as only hot water is used (process recognized by organic standards)
Also suitable for conventional fruit cultivation
No synthetic fungicides and therefore environmentally friendly
The Palm hot water solution can be integrated into the already existing sorting process
No additional effort or increase in cycle time (no bottleneck process)
Our proven "in-line" dipping process requires less energy and is even more efficient than the conventional hot water dipping process
No impairment of the inner fruit quality
Acidity and sugar content as well as flesh firmness are preserved
Research project of the Max Rubner Institute (Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food) in Karlsruhe.
Title: „Beeinflusst eine Heißwasserbehandlung die Qualität von Äpfeln?“
Research project 02OE213 of the Federal Research Institute for Nutrition (BFE) in Karlsruhe. Publisher: Office of the Federal Organic Farming Program at the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) in Bonn.
Title: „Bekämpfung der Gloeosporium-Fruchtfäule an ökologisch produzierten Äpfeln – Optimierung einer Heisswassertauchanlage.“